服を汚す 1の英語
- spoil one's dress 服を汚す 2
mess someone's clothes〔人の〕
- 汚す 汚す けがす よごす to disgrace to dishonour to pollute to contaminate to soil to make
- 服を汚す 服を汚す ふくをよごす to soil one's clothes
- 汚す 1 1. breathe upon 2. foul up 3. mess up 4. mung up 汚す 2 【自動】 1. daub 2. mess
- 服を汚す 服を汚す ふくをよごす to soil one's clothes
- 名を汚す 1 1. blot one's copybook〈英話〉 2. blot one's escutcheon 3. bring shame to 4. disgrace one's name 5. disgrace one's reputation 6. give someone a black (eye) 名を汚す 2 bring discredit to〔~の〕 名を汚す 3 1. drag
- 体面を汚す 1 1. act in one's own worst interests 2. disgrace oneself 3. lose face 体面を汚す 2 bring dishonor to〔~の〕 体面を汚す 3 bring scandal to〔人の〕
- 名声を汚す 1 besmirch one's reputation 名声を汚す 2 1. hurt the standing of 2. reflect discredit on〔~の〕
- 品位を汚す 1 offend against decency 品位を汚す 2 harm the decorum of〔~の〕
- 末席を汚す 1 1. be one of the members 2. have the honor of being a member 3. keep the seat warm 末席を汚す 2 【形】 present
- 神聖を汚す 1 【形】 1. profanatory 2. profane 3. sacrilegious 神聖を汚す 2 【他動】 desecrate
- 経歴を汚す 1 blemish one's record 経歴を汚す 2 be injurious to someone's career〔人の〕
- 令名を汚す tarnish one's fair name
- 信用を汚す tarnish someone's credibility〔人の〕
- 債券を汚す deface a bond
- 台所を汚す make a mess in the kitchen